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Two centuries ago, this charmer was a firehouse. Today, we have a gorgeous, 4-story standout that is both traditional and modern. With its ornamental pediments and windows restored to original glory, a chic choice of dark gray on the exterior, and a full glass window display off the ground floor, this building’s facade definitely commands a second look, a stare even.


Important  facts:  

  • Historic presence, built in 1895    

  • Over-sized curb cut to accommodate large vehicle entry in front of building

  • There is an entirely independent 2-story building at the rear 

  • Interior at each level is a vast dramatic space  

  • Floors in the main structure are column free  

  • Large window bays for sunlit working  

  • Ceiling height of top floor is approximately 26 feet

  • Close to major transportation such as Penn Station and PATH   

David Berger illustration for
240 West 30th Street illustration.jpg
Peter Liptrot illustration for Website.j
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